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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wastrel's word of the day is...

Wastrel \WAY-struhl\ , noun;

1. A person who wastes, especially one who squanders money; a spendthrift.

2. An idler; a loafer; a good-for-nothing.
I looked up the word of the day and found it somewhat ironic... for I fear I am becoming a wastrel. Sitting around, frittering the time away, because I "can't find anything better to do." That's a load of rotten bananas and I know it. But it's such an easy excuse to use. ESPECIALLY when it honestly seems like there's nothing to do but wait. My life seems to be on hold. But does that mean I ought to waste the time that I have?
Certainly not. So what is the best way to utilize my mind? That is the very question I ask myself.
I suppose one of my biggest issues is that I don't know how much time I have. Do I have two days? Two weeks? How terribly human of me. That's one of the things that amazes me most about God... He is not bound by time. I am SUCH a time- oriented human being. How completely human. I must not be a wastrel... no matter how much time I have... whether it be time left in the States, or my time on this earth.
"We say we waste time, but that is impossible. We waste ourselves."
Alice Bloch

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