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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Feeling weary and heavy-laden.

Today, a wise person gave me a wise word that I needed to hear. "God doesn't give us desires to torment us... he gives them to us because he wants to do something with them."
There's a reason that God has given me a passion for children and orphans... and there's a reason for giving me a desire for a husband and family. I just don't see how it's all going to work out yet.

But I trust that he will lead me. I trust that he will give me the strength to do what he wants me to do, and that he has not given me these longings for no reason. He has a plan.

I've been struggling with my self-image the past couple days... I don't know why. I've felt so insignificant, and inferior. SO I took my strength finders test. Pretty cool. My roommate built me up, read scripture with me, prayed with me, and then we listened to music. I am so thankful for her. One of my strengths includes collecting things... typically information. I was like "WHAT? I don't collect things..." and then I was reminded of my quote book; something very special to me. As I was feeling down, and only pushing myself deeper into the ground, I decided to write some of my quotes on note cards and hang them on my desk. I have three quotes and one encouraging note from a friend hanging up right now. Here are my quotes:

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." --Eleanor Roosevelt
"We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves." --Eric Hoffer
"You were knit together... you weren't mass-produced... you weren't an assembly-line product... you were deliberately planned, specially gifted and lovingly positioned on this earth... by the master craftsman." --Max Lucado

Sometimes I need to remind myself how precious I am to God. People fail.... and their words hurt... even if they don't realize it.

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