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Friday, June 10, 2011

Frustration, Vacation & the rest of life.

Sometimes I type big long posts spilling my guts about my deepest frustrations... and then delete them. This is not one of my posts.

Instead, we'll cut to the chase: I'm frustrated.

Can I rant for a minute? Wait... why am I even asking you? This is my blog and I'll rant if I want to. (That should be a song.)

I am babysitting a nine year old girl, Gracie, this summer. Did you catch that? She's nine. This morning, she went on a 20 minute rant about boys and how she doesn't understand them. She's NINE. For some reason, it gave me a glimmer of comfort.... and of hope.

Last night, I was talking to a twenty-five year old about how her best guy friends always ignore her and seem to not even see her as a girl.

So the source of my frustration: I am always viewed as the best friend, the chum, the one that they come to for advice about girls, but I am never taken to the formal by my guy friends, never considered to take on a date, and certainly never viewed as girlfriend material. Obviously, I'm not the only one who feels this way, but I just want to scream at them "WHAT IS YOUR DEAL?!" (Frustration: see this video link, starting at 2:12-4:07)

Mmmkay... in other news, my family is going on a 10 day vacation without me. Now, before you say "aww poor Deborah!", I must confess that I chose not to go. When I made the decision, it's because I didn't want to spend over 40 hours in the car, eat fast food and take 10 days without working (I'm not made of money, you know). Now I'm kind of viewing it like this: 10 days alone in this house freaking out about every creak... 10 days of cooking for myself... 10 days of silence... and 10 days of movie marathons, homework, and whatever the heck I want to do (notice the list began to turn positive).

Letters. Now I'm going to talk about letters. (And, in case you were asking, this is a result of me sitting here saying "Blogs are what people are thinking about... what am I thinking about? What is going ON in my life? *silence.... silence... silence....* I like letters.*) I love just about everything about letters. I like writing them, I like addressing them, I like sealing them, I like putting them in the mailbox, I like receiving them, I like opening them, I love reading them (usually at least 5 times). So... write letters.

Plane tickets: I wish they were free. And... that's all I have to say about that.
Fashion blogs. For some reason, I have been enjoying these lately. (I just said that like it's a big mystery, when it clearly is not. See previous post.) However, I have noticed that they are all by tall, skinny girls. (...and usually blonde.) Not ok.
I am currently slightly obsessed with owls. Which is lucky, because they are so popular. Owl jewelry and bird print. LOVE IT. Especially peacock. Too bad trends pass so quickly.

I'm still working on my Theology homework.... and can't see the end of it. I decided last night that the best feeling I have ever felt is getting off the plane and being swept up in a great big hug. Mm... yes. In fact, I dreamed about it last night.

Darn you, airlines. You have a vice grip on my heart strings.

"If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear."

-Winnie the Pooh

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