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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Don't wanna be..

Today, I made a box. Usually they are break-up boxes. I made one when I broke up with my boyfriend 2 years ago, and today I made another. Today, though, it was not a technical break-up box, but more like a "since I am still clinging onto hope but need to move on, I need to get all this stuff out of my sight" box. Obviously, much more simple.
But not.

Break-ups are easier. You can stop talking to them. You can cut them out of your life. Not so with situations like this... especially when it's one of your best friends. Instead, you proceed in suffered silence. You bury the dreams in floral print boxes from Michael's.

Today I had one of those things happen that only seems to happen in movies. I was driving in my car, thinking about this of course, and realized that the song playing was the one that goes "All by myself... don't wanna be... all by myself...." so I changed it. Break up song. Changed it.... break up song. One after another.

This is why I hate days off. [Weird but true.] I end up sitting around thinking about it.

In other news, I re-painted my nails and they look fabulous... I have a tan... and I am working in an hour and 1/2. Yayy.

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