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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Despicable Me.

I'm almost done with the book Captivated, and I have to choose my next book.
It's between
1) Jane Eyre
2) A Tale of Two Cities
3) Emma
The Scarlet Letter

I read "read" all of them --except Emma-- in High school... but neither enjoyed, fully comprehended, or appreciated the fine literature I was "reading."

Sad, but true.
As for the book I am currently reading, I have found parts of it helpful, but, as is common when I read these "what we're really supposed to be like" books, I find myself over analyzing myself (it is common to hear me say "I am SO SICK OF ME" when I am reading one of these books), thinking that I must change my entire personality, considering myself a failure (this time, as a woman), and self-diagnosing myself with problems that I don't actually have because the author is addressing people who DO have these issues. It leads me to believe that my generation is not spending enough time in the Word and the Word alone. Have we begun to turn to these books as a sort of supplement to our Christian life? Are we not trying to take things into our own control in order to make ourselves more like God?
I find myself always praying- after reading this book, or any like it- that the Lord will make me more like himself, in His own way and in His own timing. That He will join me wherever I am on the path of life, and that I would not obsess and/or worry about the things I get wrong.
We cannot change ourselves, and we certainly cannot make ourselves more Godly. I actually laugh at the thought of trying to make myself more like God without His help... but when I take the reigns and try to do things my own way, in a sick twisted way (Disordered loves, Augustine anyone?) I try to become my own version of God.

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