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Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Today I decided I have no balance. I am accident prone. Can these things be genetic? I think it skipped my parent's generation, but accumulated and I got all the clumsy genes. Yup that's my theory and I'm stickin' to it. Actually... I have a similar theory about my height too.... just don't be hatin'. You know you love my height... finally there's someone around to make you feel tall. :)
I'm so glad tomorrow's Thursday... late starts are a blessing. Sooo wonderful!!!! :) But school has been boring lately because a bunch of people are sick... and they're missing... and it makes me sad inside. I looked around and my people were gone. :(
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We had a chemistry quiz today which I'm pretty sure I bombed.... but I am determined to understand... preferably BEFORE the test on Friday. That would be happy. VERY happy. Hopefully chemistry (and algebra....) won't kill me....
Th-th-that that don't kill me
Can only make me stronger
6 days until Thanksgiving break. But before that I have 3 Quizes, 2 Tests, a paper, and 2 projects. And a whole lot of homework. I can honestly say that I am thankful for some things about school.... I have some really cool teachers, I have awesome friends who know how to make me laugh, let me spill all my frustrations upon them, and help me walk when I'm clumsy and twist my ankle. About that... basically I fell of a bench in PE and caught myself from falling on weights, but twisted my ankle in the process.... at least I didn't split my head open or anything. What's amazing about my clumsiness is that the only thing I've ever broken is my toe (and nails of course), and I've never had crutches. Amazing. I am a talented clumsy person. :)
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord not for men."
Colossians 3:23

1 comment:

MG's spot said...

Andrew looks sooooo adorable in his uniform!!!!!!