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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Christ in me, the hope of glory.

Today (in exactly 3 hours and 45 minutes), I will depart for New York City!
I have the jitters of excitement, and there are a million butterflies flying around in my stomach.
My backpack is packed, and my traveling skills excited to be used once more.
Without the Lord, I will fail. This trip is not just a chance to see the city, but a chance to speak into people's lives. I am on a mission... but I can't do it by my own strength.
SO this week, pray for me... to yield to the Spirit... to rest in Him... to spend time with Him each day... and pray for the conversations I'll have.
It's been impressed on me this week that I need to shut up more often... so I really don't have much more to say.
There's stuff I could ramble about... but it's meaningless... a chase after the wind.


Anonymous said...

Today is Sunday, March 13, 2011. Did all go well on this trip?

Anonymous said...

Today is Sunday, March 13, 2011. Did all go well on this trip?