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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Celebration and AWE of the Father.

I did it. I finished theology 1. I wrote a research paper during a 52 hour work week. GOOD THING I have been researching pride and the way that Satan uses it to destroy us, because it would be so easy to let my ego swell up and swallow me like the alligator swallows Mr. Hook in Peter Pan.
Side note: That is a fabulous movie.
The last day of VBS is tomorrow, and I must say, I am going to miss my kids. I love having them follow me around, copying me, obeying me, learning from me. And I must say that I am super stoked to have my own one day. I can say with confidence that my kids will be LOVED.
The Lord is so faithful. It is only by his grace that I have gotten through this class... and this week. Now, I must not loose steam because I have 3 more papers for Theology 2! Due this time next week. Praise the Lord for a 32 hour work week so I can get my papers done!

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