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Monday, October 10, 2011

Eradication unnecessary?

So many times, I have asked the Lord to take away a desire that I've had. This time, I've resolved to surrender it to the Lord, though it is a daily (and often hourly) surrender.
Last night, I was reading my book by Elisabeth Elliot, and she said that "if the yearnings went away, what would we have to offer up to the Lord? Aren't they given to us to offer? It is the control of passion, not its eradication, that is needed. How would we learn to submit to the authority of Christ if we had nothing to submit?" Rocked my world. The feelings are not bad. The desire is not bad. When I clench it in my fist, refusing to give it to the Lord, THAT'S BAD. Bad news, bears.
I've felt the Lord pursue me, and I've enjoyed it. This weekend, I pursued HIM with all that I have... and it was so refreshing. I did little homework, but I gained a great peace.
So there we have it. I'm struggling... but I trust the Lord.

"I want to hide/ What’s deep in my eyes/ I’m scared to be known by you/ But when I turn my head/ And see you there/ I want to be pursued" -Bethany Dillon

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