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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Espresso will save me.

It's after midnight. I lay awake, my brain becoming numb and achy because it longs for sleep... but sleep will not come. I have completely exhausted my brain, over analyzing things. The thunderstorm outside is a replica of the thoughts that have been whirling through my head... unfortunately the storm within me is beginning to destroy. I am becoming insecure. Discontent with who I am. Questioning what others think and how they feel about me. I focus on the steady raindrops, trying to calm myself down. "Tomorrow will be hard enough as it is... WITHOUT you being sleep deprived!" That just makes me anxious. Tomorrow, I will resemble a zombie. Espresso will save me.
I have been enveloped by the storm cloud. There is no lightning to illuminate what is really here. There is only the menacing cloud, unleashing its fury upon my head.
"I'm just a little dark rain cloud...."
I don't want to be. I try to fight it; but maybe that's why I can't seem to fall asleep. I refuse to give in and let the storm overpower me.

Tomorrow, my eyes will be red. That reminds me of Dorothy's shoes from The Wizard of Oz. Her storm led her to wonderful adventures, and she ultimately discovered strength she didn't know she had to overcome incredible obstacles... and got to go home.
Where is my "Merry Little Munchkin Land?" I see no Yellow Brick Road. I see no Emerald city.
I am blinded by this cloud; it has turned my vision to black and white.

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