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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Love you me?

Is this how people who are dying feel? I feel panicked that I haven't lived this experience to the fullest. I am suddenly worried that I have missed out on so much. I want to do something crazy... but I'm out of time.
Emily and Ronja are absolutely precious. They both gave me hugs this morning and told me that I'm a good nanny and that they love me. I literally had to blink back tears as it dawned on me that I have only 3 more days.

Sunday, we went to Salzburg. We went to an open market by the river, a museum called "The House of Nature", got lunch (SCHNITZEL!), coffee and ice cream, walked around... there's a music festival going on right now and there are musicians standing all over town playing (mostly Mozart, naturally), and comical car rides. I had so much fun being apart of their family... seeing Salzburg through their eyes.

Monday, we cleaned. It was a little bit of a stressful day. The dishwasher broke... Marion's parents came over for supper... and Marion made mushroom goulash and dumplings... sooo good. It's mushroom season right now, here in Austria and so it's a speciality. Super good... and I don't even LIKE mushrooms... normally.

Tuesday, we went to Salzburg again. We went to Europark (the mall), had lunch at IKEA and explored a bit, and then went shopping. Then we went to the dentist (the whole reason of the trip) for the girls to get their teeth cleaned. Funny... I still hate the dentist, even if it's in a different country and I'm not the one in the chair.

Wednesday (today), Marion went to work in the morning and I stayed home with the girls. We went on a walk, and fed the horses apples... colored pictures... I worked on something for one of my best friends, and we colored some more. Then after lunch we played school (Ronja was the teacher), then the girls helped me clean my room... and then we went to Schladming because Marion had some things to do. Meanwhile, I was in the park with the girls and their neighbor, Mikey, who had come along with us. After teaching him the correct word for poop, he told me that I am pretty good--- raising his eyebrows when he said it... I failed to understand until he said "ok, Deb-or-ah... I must say it... I love you! Love you me?" This kid is like 14. I was highly embarrassed and tried not to blush as I said "no." He continued to profess his love ALL afternoon... with a few variations... "I know your problem... you love me toooo."
"Mikey do you need a bandaid?"--- "yes, with you..."
I responded every time with "Oh, brother."
Emily thought it was hilarious.

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