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Sunday, February 13, 2011

A letter from myself.

The other day, I got a letter from myself in the mail. I wrote it our Senior Lake Retreat in May 2009. I had goals written out... pretty standard... show God's love to others, invest in meaningful friendships, become closer to the Lord... don't gain weight in college (fail there)...
It made me smile because I fulfilled many of the goals I set for myself. And, it was encouraging to reflect on how far the Lord has brought me. I no longer bear constant regret, shame and pain from my previous relationship. The Lord has healed my heart and is still using me.
That does not mean that my heart never hurts, and it doesn't mean that I haven't dealt with pain from other relationships since. But God is faithful. Never has he let me down, and never has he failed to provide. He's not finished with me yet! How wonderful is that?!

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