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Friday, September 30, 2011

To the future.

To My Future Husband:
I’ve done a lot of stupid things intending to make someone love me. I thought that if I did these little things they’d suddenly realize that I was, in fact, worth their love and that magically we’d live happily ever after. I can not tell you how beautiful it is to know that you’re out there, ready to love me passionately just because I’m me, not because of what I can give you. I can’t wait to meet you and never have to earn your love. I treasure the idea of walking with you, hand in hand, content in every way knowing that you’re my biggest fan. I need that kind of love right now and just knowing that you’re going to be that love is enough to tide me over for now. I love you a million times over, please hurry up and get here.

With all my heart,
Your future wife.

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